I started piano lessons when I was 9 years old. I would say that I was just an average student for the first year or so. I could play my pieces fairly well…I had no problems with getting the notes right, but always had too many places where my timing was not accurate. One day, my grandmother, who was an organist, asked me to play a piece for her. When I finished she looked at me and said ” What about the timing? You have to count out loud when you practice… One, two, three, four! Go slowly, and be patient. That’s how you do it!” I slithered off the piano bench and sulked up to my bedroom feeling ashamed and humiliated. Read more
Erik Satie’s Gymnopedie #1 / Be Thou My Vision
/in Hymnprovisations /by maloneadminFrom Pianist to Carillonneur
/in Lessons, Videos /by maloneadminGrandma Knows Best – Counting Out Loud
/in Lessons, Musings /by maloneadmin